Behold! This is Coldtype


cold type

noun : type set by electronic means; compare: hot type, Linotype®

: composition or typesetting (such as photocomposition) done without the casting of metal (Merriam-Webster)

: more generally, a method of producing typescript and/or graphic information by means of inputting coded text into core memory and retrieving via programs written to highlight or extract specific elements of text (Journal of American Information Science)

The url "" links to the vanity website of Mark Doremus.

It's the modern equivalent of what we used to call a "love tape" back in the day: a collection of your best (in my case, television) news stories that you sent to news directors when job-hunting.

So here's some of my best stuff with explanatory text where needed, plus a few trenchant ruminations and observations drawn from my seventy (!) years of bumbling through life.

P.S. I'm retired and not job-hunting but if you like what you see, and want to collaborate on a project email me. I generally work pro bono.

Mark Doremus and Prof. Karen Slattery

Me and my esposa, Prof. Karen Slattery (Photo: Marquette University).